How Pricing Works

Simple Plans. Simple Pricing. Huge Savings.

All online/over the phone pricing is a general estimate, not exact pricing. Exact quotes will be given in person on the day of your scheduled service.

On the day of your cleaning, one of our Professional Citrus Technicians will arrive and do a walk through of your home. This is so you can show us exactly what you want done, and we can answer any questions you might have. From there, we will give personalized pricing based on your specific cleaning needs, and make sure you are 100% satisfied with your cleaning service.

Pick Your Plan


Select Your Plan



Contact information



Payment information



Select Your Plan


BiAnnual Carpet Cleaning Plan ($45 Per Room)
1-3 Rooms
FREE Hanley + $150 Of Local Gift Cards
FREE Basic Carpet Protectant (First Visit Only) ($200 Value)
25% OFF All Add On Services
1 Time Carpet Cleaning ($65 Per Room)
1-3 Rooms

Contact information


shipping details


Payment information


Set Up to Start Collecting Orders

Pre headline?????
Tile Cleaning (Free)
Pre headline?????
Upholstery Cleaning (service can be quoted and performed on the day of your scheduled carpet/tile cleaning service)
Pre headline?????
Air Duct/Vent Cleaning (Free)We provide exact pricing & can perform this service the same day we come to clean your carpets/tile.

Order Summary

Customer Details




You can also let us know how many rooms you have

*Important: This email is where your login information will be sent.

Fusce mattis eget urna at luctus. ullamcorper fringilla. pellent esque nec odio Fusce mattis eget urna at luctus

(Worth over 100+)

  • ​Vestibulum : In et felis turpis. Nulla iaculis tempus egestas.
  • ​Pellentesque : Pellentesque turpis mauris, fermentum vitae venenatis in, pulvinar sed sem.
  • ​Etiam : Curabitur non ante laoreet, pharetra leo ac, ultricies magna.

Suspendisse ultricies eros quam:

Pellentesque turpis mauris: fermentum vitae venenatis in, pulvinar sed sem. Sed maximus feugiat urna.

Nam sagittis tincidunt erat: vel accumsan ipsum aliquam non. Proin enim sem, lacinia eget tincidunt vitae, rhoncus vitae ante.

Pellentesque turpis mauris: fermentum vitae venenatis in, pulvinar sed sem. Sed maximus feugiat urna.

Jane Doe

Etiam vehicula pharetra libero non viverra

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla facilisi. Quisque nec sollicitudin enim. Nulla facilisi. Ut tincidunt tortor eget facilisis porta.

Need Help?
Call US at  1-650-QUIK-ASK
Mon- Fri 9:00-5:00 CST

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